For Kids
What We’re Doing
Research is when we try to find out new things about something we don’t understand fully. In ENHANCE we want to see how children with Cystic Fibrosis are doing as they get older (like – do they have much tummy pain, how many infections they get, how do their lungs work), and see if some kids feel better than others, and why? We want to see how children without CF are doing too, so we can compare.
We think this is important. If we learn new things from this, we can help other kids with CF. If we want to see how kids with CF are doing we need to do some tests. We can use these to see how you are doing as you get older.
The Tests
- A breathing test called LCI – you just breathe normally while watching a device (Netflix, or whatever you like) and we measure your breathing.
- A type of x-ray called a CT. It is like having a picture taken. It does not hurt.
- A blood test. Don’t worry we will collect the blood when you are having other bloods done anyway. Phew!!
- A sample of your poo. Uh, gross!!
- A sweat test – a special watch makes you sweat, and then collects it.
- An ultrasound test on your belly. You probably had this before. It does not hurt.
- Have a chat with us: We want to know how you are feeling and have some questions that can help us understand this better.
These tests are not sore, or they don’t hurt. Sometimes people find them a little bit uncomfortable, and they do take a bit of time to do.