The Real World Clinical Outcomes with Novel Modulator Therapy Combinations in People with CF (RECOVER) – Is a real-world non interventional study examining the impact of the new triple combination CFTR modulator compound, Kaftrio®, on clinical outcomes in people with Cystic Fibrosis.
The introduction of Kaftrio® for a large proportion of people with CF represents a new era in the management of CF. Real-world non interventional studies such as RECOVER are an important complementary source of knowledge on the impact of treatments on people living with this condition. Please click here for more information on the RECOVER study.

In this study we will be examining a wide-range of well established tests, as well as some newer, more sensitive tests looking at how this new treatment might affect the health and quality of life in people with CF. To learn more about the tests involved, please click here.
RECOVER will be coordinated through RCSI in Dublin. To learn more about the teams involved in this study please click here.